

Have you been to a store & experienced paying for items that add up to a thousand pesos because you can't resist picking them up? Well, I did one time when I discovered Saizen & after that I controlled the shopaholic tendencies so as not to hurt hubby's pocket! =P

But I guess there's no way I can avoid going to this place because it induces those happy hormones when I spend my time there.;) And so, I came back 2 weeks ago.

Their Robinson's Metro East branch is rather small but there was still an overload of cute, practical finds at less than a hundred pesos each:

wooden cafe stencil for your foam-topped cappuccino

a popular home decor 

condiment bottles with chalkboard labels
to write on

Cath Kidston-like vanity kits or pencil cases

Do your easy-breezy, light-on-the-pocket Christmas shopping now at Saizen


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